Breakfast Grok Style

It’s summer time.  This means I have a lot of children in the house all day every day.  Kids want to eat constantly.  This gets challenging.  If we ate garbage food, I’d buy a giant box of goldfish crackers for them to munch on throughout the day and at least I wouldn’t go broke. . […]

Changes. . .

This is how/why I can believe in evolution as a Catholic Christian. . . I’m constantly evolving and I’m convinced we aren’t the same humans as Adam & Eve.  Life happens.  Society happens.  Ideas arise and fall.  Life evolves. Right now, I’m going backward again.  For a while I was pretty strict purist Paleo- no […]

Summer Vacation. . . 2 Days In

Three hours into Summer vacation yesterday, I thought for sure I was going to lose my marbles.  Or ground my children to their rooms for the remainder of the Summer.  Today was a bit better. 🙂 One of my coping skills (with 10-16 kids here all day every day, I need coping skills) is to […]

School’s Out- What Do I Feed These Kids???

When the kids are home, they want to eat ALL THE TIME.  Seriously, you’d think they were starving.  In reality I think it’s more boredom than anything.  We are limited in the amount of out and about time we can have since I run a childcare from my home and taking 16 kids on outings […]

Paleo, Pregnancy, Gallbladder, & Kidney Stones?

Seriously people.  I’m 25.5 weeks pregnant and something is going on.   At first glance, we thought I had a bladder infection so I went in for a quick UA.  The initial report was lots of blood, not much bacteria.  Huh. . . well, let’s start an antibiotic over the weekend while it goes off for […]