Changes. . .

This is how/why I can believe in evolution as a Catholic Christian. . . I’m constantly evolving and I’m convinced we aren’t the same humans as Adam & Eve.  Life happens.  Society happens.  Ideas arise and fall.  Life evolves. Right now, I’m going backward again.  For a while I was pretty strict purist Paleo- no […]

An Overdue Paleo Food Post

After my Debbie-Downer post earlier, I figure I owe it to the blogosphere to write something a bit more helpful. 🙂  I just spent a whole lotta moo-la at the grokery store(s).  Ugh. . . Anyway,  the plan is to have a plan.  I wrote out our menu for the week, purchased the goods to […]

What Babies Want, Babies Get

Pregnant bellies are finicky.  After reading about early pregnancy food aversions all over the internet, I know I am not alone in this. Upon waking this morning, I had a banana.  I was hoping it would quell the queasies and maybe I’d be able to get those eggs in. . . no such luck. Around […]

Sugar Detox Day 5

Daddy Grok is down 9lbs.  Are you kidding me? That said, with our growing family. . . Mama Grok shouldn’t lose weight. Moving on.  Breakfast today was scrambled eggs.  The kids added fruit.  I had to run out the door for labwork, so I skipped my veggies but grabbed a banana for a blood sugar […]

Sugar Detox Day 4 & Cheap Eats!

Today we’ve completed day 4 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox.  We both weighed in this morning. . . Daddy Grok has lost SEVEN pounds.  That’s ridiculous!  Mama Grok has lost one pound.  Huh. . . Daddy Grok is feeling good. . . no headaches, grogginess, or lethargy.  Mama has felt good from the get […]

Grok Approved Bacon Burgers!

I remember seeing 50/50 Bacon Burgers in my Eat Like a Dinosaur Cookbook. . . that memory sparked tonight’s dinner.  I didn’t look at the recipe in the book, but I can’t imagine mine is that different. I used 1/2 package (about 1 lb) Beelers uncured bacon ends & pieces ($6.99 for 2lbs) + 1 […]

Sugar Detox Day 2

We are hanging in there.  Daddy Grok is itching for a soda or candy bar something fierce, but he’s staying strong.  Mama is rolling with it. . . she received some exciting news today (not sharing yet, thank you), so that’s distracting me from the detox. Breakfast today- 2 eggs over medium (cooked whites, runny […]

New Year’s Eats and Treats

Don’t expect pictures of everything I make. . . I do like to take pictures, but the amount of free time I have is almost non-existent, especially with being back to work tomorrow (or should I say, with work being back to me since I run a childcare out of my home).  We are doing […]